Partner & Plan

Build Community Partnerships For Sustainability

Collaborating with community stakeholders helps meaningfully shape the City of Austin’s sustainability initiatives.

Collaborating with community stakeholders helps meaningfully shape the City of Austin’s sustainability initiatives.

Community Collaboration for Design and Building Standards

Austin Energy Green Building (AEGB) partners closely with other community-focused organizations to drive innovations that address the most significant sustainability challenges of today.

AEGB collaborates with other City departments, local organizations, and building professionals to develop standards that advocate for higher performance levels in the design and development industry. These standards help to meet City sustainability goals and organizational green goals.

City Policies and Building Codes

Austin Energy Green Building's (AEGB's) ratings help shape and drive Austin policies. Rated projects promote the more efficient use of limited resources such as water and energy, to help reduce the negative impacts of development.

The data and reporting provided from the rating process enable boards and commissions to make more informed decisions for the city, such as the adoption of new codes or additional planning incentives that help Austin's resources stretch further to keep up with growing demand.

Read up on City policies, building codes, and development agreements that include green building

Advocacy in Action

Construction and Demolition Recycling Ordinance

One of Austin Energy Green Building's most influential achievements is how we helped to create a market for construction waste diversion services.

Turning Problems Into Solutions

In the early 2000s, AEGB recognized that customers had very few landfill alternatives unless construction waste could be used onsite as mulch or fill.

AEGB converted this challenge into an opportunity. We recognized how to drive demand for more market-related services by requiring the diversion of construction waste as a basic requirement for our commercial building rating.

Soon after we introduced this requirement, a local contractor specializing in cleaning construction sites decided he could make a business out of construction waste diversion, but he needed some assistance to do so.

AEGB worked with this contractor to help him secure a City-owned site where construction waste could be sorted. This site proved to be a significant resource to contractors who were working toward an Austin Energy Green Building rating.

Realizing similar possibilities, other entrepreneurs joined in and a new market was born. Construction waste diversion became widespread. In November 2015, the Austin City Council approved the Construction and Demolition Recycling Ordinance developed by Austin Resource Recovery and modeled after the Austin Energy Green Building rating requirements.

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Date last reviewed or modified: 05/08/2024